Gundam breaker wiki: Multi-Missions, Special Multipliers, Damage
Gundam breaker mobile Multi-Missions
  • Gundam breaker mobile Multi-Missions wiki.

    How to Create
    ①Tap Mission Creation on the Home screen.
    ②From My Page on the Mission Creation screen, tap the banner of the mission you want to edit.
    ③Change the editable categories, and adjust settings while playing through the mission with the Test Run button.
    ④Store your settings and press the Share button to share your mission with its current settings.
    ■Editable Items

    Basic Information tutorial:
    *Still editable after the mission is shared.
    Up to two tags may be selected.
    *Still editable after the mission is shared.
    Open Information
    By setting a password, you can create private missions that won’t be displayed in the rankings.
    ・Password (4 digits)
    *Once shared, you will not be able to check your password settings.

    You can use Gundam breaker mobile hack

    Score Ranking
    Sets up a ranking system where users who have attempted the mission can compete with each other for a higher score based on their performance.
    ・Ranking Availability
    Selects whether or not to set a ranking for a mission.
    (*Requires a plugin.)

    ・Time Score wiki
    Sets the evaluation criteria and multiplier for converting the time taken to complete a mission into a score.
    Time Score: Many = High Score x600%
    →Completing the mission with more time remaining will grant a higher score.
    Time Score: Few = High Score x300%
    →Surviving as long as possible and having less time remaining at the end will grant a higher score.

    Gundam breaker mobile Damage Dealt Score wiki:

    Sets the evaluation criteria and multiplier for converting the damage the user deals during a mission into a score.
    Damage Dealt Score: Many = High Score x10%
    →The more damage you deal, the higher the score, but you’ll only receive 1/10th of the original amount.
    Damage Dealt Score: Few = High Score x300%
    →Receive a higher score by dealing minimal damage while still winning.

    ・Damage Taken Score
    Sets the evaluation criteria and multiplier for converting the damage taken during a mission into a score.
    Damage Taken Score: Few = High Score x300%
    →Receive a high score by winning in as close to an unharmed state as possible.
    Damage Taken Score: Many = High Score x600%
    →Receive a higher score by taking more damage.

    Rules tutorial
    Set the rules for this mission.
    ・Sortie Gunpla: Select whether challengers sortie solo or with a squad.
    ・Time Limit
    ・Stage (*May require plugins.)
    Sortie Conditions
    You can set up to two conditions for users that attempt the mission.
    ■Limit Target
    Allows you to select whether a sortie condition applies to “Own Gunpla Only” or “Entire Squad.”

    ・CPWR Limit
    ・Attribute Limit
    ・Word Tag Limit

    ・Job License Limit
    ・Weapon Type Limit

    ・Specified Part Type Limit: Must equip a part of a certain type belonging to a specified Gunpla to sortie.
    Ex: GM Command [Space Type] head part is specified. →
    Can only sortie with GM Command [Space Type] head part equipped.
    GM Command [Space Type] long-range weapons specified. →
    Can only sortie with one of GM Command [Space Type]’s long-range weapons equipped.

    ・Gunpla Set Limit: Must equip at least a certain number of parts belonging to a specified Gunpla to sortie.

    *Parts restricted by the Specified Part Type Limit and Gunpla Set Limit must be set as main parts, not sub parts or custom skins.

    Mode Multipliers wiki
    Changes the multiplier for attack types, such as melee damage, beam damage, etc.
    (*Requires a plugin.)
    ▼Damage Multipliers
    ・Melee/Shot/Physical/Beam Damage: Changes the respective damage multiplier.
    ・Skill Multiplier: Changes the EX Skill damage multiplier.
    ・Regular Attack Damage: Changes non–EX Skill damage multipliers.
    ・Attribute Damage: Changes the damage multipliers of T/S/P Attributes.
    Ex: Baseline – Advantage Attribute = 120% damage; Disadvantage Attribute = 80% damage
    180% multiplier – Advantage Attribute = 216% damage; Disadvantage Attribute = 44% damage
    60% multiplier – Advantage Attribute = 72% damage; Disadvantage Attribute = 133% damage

    Gundam breaker mobile Special Multipliers wiki

    ・Acid Damage: Sets the amount of fixed damage received per second. A value of 0 will result in no damage taken.
    ・Charge Speed: Changes the charge speed of EX Skills. 100% is default speed, 120% is 1.2 times default speed, and 80% is 0.8 times default speed.

    Freely built Gunplas can be set to appear in Waves 1–3 and the Boss Wave, for a total of four waves.
    ・Enemy: Allows you to set up to three Gunplas per wave. (*Excluding the Boss Wave, each Gunpla added will require one enemy plugin.)
    ・Stat Multiplier: Allows you to strengthen the parameters of this enemy. (*Requires a plugin.)
    ・Secret Settings: Allows you to display the enemy icon as “?” on the Pre-sortie screen.
    ・Cut-In Pose: Allows you to select a close-range weapon pose or ranged weapon pose when setting up cut-ins.
    ・Cut-In Messages: Allows you to have the enemy on the left side say a specified message as a cut-in when the wave begins. (*Requires a plugin.)

    *At least 1 Boss enemy (the enemy on the left side of the Boss Wave) is needed.

    ■Super Armor tutorial
    If you build an enemy Gunpla with three or more 1/100 Scale Parts, it will be granted super armor during missions.
    Enemies that have super armor won’t flinch when taking attacks, and will be stronger than regular enemies.

    *1/100 Scale Parts must be included under “Look”.
    Ex. If a 1/100 Scale Part is used in a sub slot, it must be set under “Look”.
    If you are using a Custom Skin, then any 1/100 Parts must be included in the Custom Skin and not the build itself.
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