Gundam breaker mobile wikki: list of Friends, Gift Box
Gundam breaker list of Friends
  • Gundam breaker list of Friends wiki

    Your list of Friends. You can toggle between your Follow List, Follower List and Event List tab.
    At first, you can only follow up to ten people, with this limit increasing with your player level. You can register up to 100 followers, and this limit will not increase anymore.

    You can sort the list by player level, last login, Expedition Combat Power, or Newest.

    From the spot where your User ID is displayed, you can copy your User ID or search by User ID.

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    Gift Box wiki

    Presents from management and rewards earned by the user are delivered to the Gift Box. You can store more than one hundred presents at a time, but only the first one hundred will be shown. Each present has a receiving period. Presents will disappear after this period lapses, so be careful

    Bingo Achievements faq:

    Special achievements received when you get a bingo for fulfilling requirements.

    You can automatically receive rewards every time you fill an achievement square.
    When you fill three vertical, horizontal, or diagonal squares in a row, you will get a bingo and obtain even more fabulous bingo rewards.

    There will also be limited-time bingos.
    Please note that if you exceed the collection period, you will no longer be able to receive your rewards.

    Gundam breaker mobile Achievements wiki:

    There are three types of achievements: Daily, Normal, and Event.
    In Normal achievements, there are Beginner achievements for players new to the game. These have a special mark to distinguish them from the others.

    Completing each task earns you various rewards.
    Tap the Challenge button to move to the related content.

    Friend Battle
    Battle your friends’ Expedition Gunplas in Arena-like 1-on-1 battles.
    You can choose your favorite stages using the bottom-left button.

    Users that aren’t following each other can still battle by simply searching for their opponent’s ID.

    During Friend Battle events, a list of players you’ve fought will be displayed in the Event tab.
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