Awaken Legends cheat codes: hacks prosperity
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    Enemy is coming, commander. Please lead us to victory. Tap avatar to deploy allies. When the energy bar is full, tap avatar to release the ultimate skill. Clark's skill is a good choice of dealing with a single enemy. Wow! A precious summoning scroll. We'll have someone really powerful to help us. Tap new hero's avatar and let them join your battle. Enemies are standing close to each other, move Crown to the middle of the formation to achieve better skill effects. The enemy is getting stronger. Let's go enhance heroes to improve our power. Tap development or slide right to develop your heroes. Tap level up button to increase Clark's level, to gain full boost of attributes. There is another base set of gear in your backpack. Equip hero with better gears to improve his power.

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    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    Click to check mainstory quests, which shows you your next goal. Tap claim to get rewards of all completed quests. Complete more mainstory quests to get more summoning scrolls. You can claim autofight rewards by tapping the floor. Subsequent stages yield more rewards. Remember to claim them in time. Adjust your positioning to maximize your heroes' fighting styles.
    Twu types of resources are produced in your town during this season. They are produced from two alchemy atelier buildings separately. Next let's go to the Alchemy atelier to see how they are produced. Thee should be a hero stationed here before the production starts. Tap auto arrange and the system will choose a hero automatically. Just like it in the mainstory stages, every once in a while the resource produced can be collected. You have prosperity, which stands for your activity in Council. Complete trade orders from citizens to increase your prosperity. When there are enough resources, order will be completed automatically.

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    Awaken Legends hack menu & cheat codes tips

    Tap story button to find out more about their backstory. Players can get gem reward if they view the story of heroes they have obtained.

    how and where enter cheats code
    Author: Solarios
    About company, location
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
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