26 The Callisto Protocol hint and tips: skills, weapons, equipment
The Callisto Protocol tips and tricks
  • The Callisto Protocol is an upcoming survival horror game developed by Striking Distance Studios, an independent game studio founded by Glen Schofield, the co-founder of Sledgehammer Games and the former General Manager at PUBG Corporation. The game is set in the year 2028 on the moon colony of Callisto, where players must uncover the truth behind a mysterious event that has caused the colony to descend into chaos.

    Here are some tips and hints for The Callisto Protocol:

    1.Keep an eye on your surroundings: The Callisto Protocol is a survival horror game, so it's important to always be aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for enemies and try to stay out of their sight as much as possible.

    2.Stay stealthy: If you can, try to avoid confrontations with enemies whenever possible. Use stealth to your advantage and try to take enemies out quietly.

    3.Use cover: When you do find yourself in a confrontation, use cover to your advantage. This will help you stay safe and avoid taking too much damage.

    4.Manage your resources: In The Callisto Protocol, you'll have to manage your resources carefully in order to survive. Make sure you have enough ammunition, medkits, and other supplies to get you through the game.

    5.Explore the environment: The Callisto Protocol is set in a vast, open world, so make sure you explore as much of it as you can. You never know what secrets or valuable items you might find.

    6.Use your map: The Callisto Protocol's map is an essential tool that can help you navigate the game's vast open world and find your way to your next objective. Make sure to keep an eye on your map and use it to plan your route.

    7.Learn how to hack: Hacking will be an important skill in The Callisto Protocol, as it will allow you to access locked doors, safes, and other areas that might otherwise be off limits. Make sure to practice your hacking skills and get comfortable using the game's hacking mini-game.

    8.Collect resources: The Callisto Protocol's open world is full of resources that you can collect and use to your advantage. Keep an eye out for materials like metal, circuitry, and chemicals, as these can be used to craft useful items like medkits and ammunition.

    9.Upgrade your equipment: As you progress through the game, you'll have the opportunity to upgrade your equipment and weapons. Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity and improve your gear whenever you can.

    10.Use stealth to your advantage: As mentioned earlier, stealth can be a powerful tool in The Callisto Protocol. If you're having trouble taking on enemies head-on, try to sneak up on them and take them out quietly. This will allow you to conserve ammunition and avoid attracting the attention of other enemies.

    11.Keep an eye on your health: In The Callisto Protocol, you'll need to keep an eye on your health bar and make sure you have enough medkits to keep you going. If you're running low on health, try to find cover and use a medkit to heal yourself.

    12.Save your game regularly: It's always a good idea to save your game regularly in The Callisto Protocol, especially when you're in the middle of a tough section or facing a powerful enemy. This will allow you to pick up where you left off if you need to stop playing or if something goes wrong.

    13.Use your environment to your advantage: The Callisto Protocol's open world is full of environmental hazards and objects that you can use to your advantage. For example, you can use explosive barrels to take out groups of enemies or use environmental hazards like toxic gas to your advantage.

    14.Manage your inventory: In The Callisto Protocol, you'll have a limited inventory space, so it's important to manage your items carefully. Make sure to only carry the items you need and leave behind anything that you don't. You can also find storage containers throughout the game world to stash excess items.

    15.Pay attention to the story: The Callisto Protocol's story is an important part of the game, and you'll need to pay attention to the various clues and dialogues to fully understand what's going on. Make sure to listen carefully to NPC conversations and pay attention to any clues or documents you find in the environment.

    16.Use your skills: As you progress through The Callisto Protocol, you'll unlock various skills and abilities that can help you in combat and exploration. Make sure to use these skills to your advantage and choose the ones that suit your playstyle.

    17.Experiment with different weapons: The Callisto Protocol features a wide variety of weapons, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to experiment with different weapons and find the ones that work best for you.

    18.Take breaks: The Callisto Protocol can be a intense and stressful game, so it's important to take breaks every now and then to rest and recharge. Make sure to give yourself time to relax and clear your mind before diving back into the game.

    20.Use your scanner: The Callisto Protocol's scanner is a useful tool that can help you locate hidden items and enemies. Make sure to use it regularly and pay attention to any readings you get, as they may lead you to valuable items or help you avoid danger.

    21.Use your abilities wisely: As you progress through The Callisto Protocol, you'll unlock various abilities that can help you in combat and exploration. Make sure to use these abilities wisely and save them for when you really need them.

    22.Use stealth to your advantage: Stealth can be a powerful tool in The Callisto Protocol, especially when facing tough enemies or groups of enemies. Make sure to use stealth to your advantage and try to take out enemies quietly whenever possible.

    23.Manage your ammo: Ammo can be scarce in The Callisto Protocol, so it's important to make every shot count. Make sure to aim for headshots whenever possible and try to conserve ammo by using stealth attacks whenever you can.

    24.Keep an eye on your stamina: Your stamina plays a crucial role in The Callisto Protocol, as it determines how much you can run and how long you can hold your breath. Make sure to keep an eye on your stamina bar and try to conserve it as much as possible.

    25.Explore the environment: The Callisto Protocol's open world is full of secrets and hidden locations, so make sure to explore as much of it as you can. You never know what valuable items or clues you might find.

    26.Practice makes perfect: The Callisto Protocol can be a challenging game, so don't be discouraged if you struggle at first. Keep practicing and learning from your mistakes, and you'll get better over time.

    I hope these tips and tricks are helpful! If you have any specific questions about The Callisto Protocol, feel free to ask.
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