New Idle Magic School February 5-15 cheat codes
Idle Magic School February 5-15
  • New February cheat codes Idle Magic School:

    SZlng6: speed up; spXS5J: level up; RYu4zV: unlock new skills; R9Cj5N: promote; xAtJJ6: mastery boost; a4q2gA: secret combination; fDOUyL: daily gift; aq1Vuu: gems (diamonds); QvPsTQ: VIP; diQj4Z: off ads.

    Idle Magic School is a popular game that has been capturing the imagination of gamers all around the world. The game allows players to progress through different worlds, where they can level up, unlock new skills, and promote their wizards. There are several cheat codes that have been released to help players get the most out of their gaming experience. These cheat codes can be used to speed up progress, level up, unlock new skills, promote wizards, and more. The cheat codes are easy to use and can be entered directly into the game.

    The three worlds that are currently live in the game are Magic Forest, Water Country, and Winter Land. Each of these worlds has its own unique characteristics and challenges that players must overcome. The Quest line in each world is the best way for players to progress and make their way through the game.

    The Magic Forest is a magical world that is full of wonders and mysteries. The Quest line here is designed to take players on a journey through the forest, where they will encounter various obstacles and challenges along the way.

    The Water Country is another world that is filled with excitement and adventure. Players must navigate through the treacherous waters, battling against dangerous creatures and overcoming obstacles to progress through the world. The Quest line in this world is designed to be challenging, but also rewarding.

    The Winter Land is a world that has a different progression curve compared to the previous worlds. This world is designed to be flatter, which means that players will not experience the same steep increase in difficulty that they may have encountered in other worlds. The Progression curve in Winter Land is designed to allow players to take their time and focus on building their wizarding empire.

    In Winter Land, the income from watching ads heavily outweighs the income from buildings. This means that players should prioritize Classroom for progress and the Tavern for income. The Tavern income per customer is 157T, which is a significant amount of money that can help players make the most of their gaming experience.

    In the latest update to the game, the "Primary Element" Wizards are the new "Junior" Wizards. These wizards are designed to be the starting point for players who are new to the game, allowing them to get a feel for the different elements and the way that they can be used to progress through the world.

    Once players have created the last Classroom (1800 Glory), they will unlock three new wizards: "Ice Element", "Fire Element", and "Alchemist". These wizards are designed to bring a new level of excitement and challenge to the game, and players can use their unique abilities to overcome obstacles and make their way through the world.

    Overall, the new cheat codes, worlds, and wizards in Idle Magic School are designed to offer players a challenging and exciting gaming experience. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a new player, there is something in this game for everyone. So, if you're looking for a new way to pass the time and test your skills, be sure to check out Idle Magic School today!
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