Cheats hack Gangsta Mafia code:cash, intelligence, charm, member, influence, rank up, leadership, promote, talent points, attribute Gangsta Mafia Hack tools gift voucher arena skill, activity points, loyalty, diamonds, cash money codes game bug android, ios.

Game menu: Cheats Game story Basic trucos Hint & Tips Redeem code

Gangsta Mafia hack cheat code List

cash - use fh5PaWOh9
off ads - wKjHQ6gA9
secret combination - JsbpGU1kq
intelligence - cKSTYK0PT
double rewards - ZITRYXpQ6
charm - 56IxWLKlX
member - UTKMvoVoc
influence - 9YXIz4Pq0
starter package - ywuZ1Tjiq
admin panel - juXjkiqFR
rank up - NXVwPWdjW
leadership - use eeltJKcZr
promote - cJ3WerhUf
talent points - ZiZURQLxA
attribute - JkxGChzuc
arena skill - use HcyPb8Lsi
activity points - TlsuahGiN
loyalty - Ai7VxdwO8
diamonds - qYK5Or5wM
cash money - zEy4xVZnk

Gangsta Mafia use cheats
HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
Game story

It's graduation day? This day has finally come. The man muttered as reminisced about the past. A baby was abandoned in front of the hospital, a man with the dragon tattoo took the baby home and since then became a clumsy parent of the child. The man was a powerful underboss of Nakajima gang, also known as the mafia. As grew older, he had never stopped looking up to that man. The man taught him meaning of loyalty and responsibility, as well as what it meant to be a true man> In retrospect, perhaps it was then when he dreamed of joining the underworld. But something happened eiught years ago which tore his smooth-sailing life apart.

Gangsta Mafia Hack Basics trucos

Boss, please manage your businesses before clearing the stages! Clearing the stages allows you to rank up and unlock more features. You can train better heroes and get more EXP when the total leadership of the heroes is higher (1 influence = 1 EXP). You can better develop our trade business and earn more money when the total intelligence of the heroes is higher (1 intelligence = 1 cash).

enter cheat (Gangsta Mafia gift codes):
upgrade trucos - PAwbzRwcC
level up - tgmzIyZrN
daily pack - enter pass NsDEFDflV
admin account - P4cEUFGWE
Month Card x1 - NOaWjjQfm
booster pack - mVT2PqDWH
evolve - AWjiDYjrz
enhance - JK6zysakz
You can expand the gang and attract more members if the charm of the heroes is higher (1 charm = 1 member). Top bar - shows the number of members and the combat power of you and your enemy. The higher the CP, the lower the loss of the member during the fight. You can buy items directly or through the following ways: military, bag, shop.

Gangsta Mafia Hint & Tips: how use cheats

1. As ranking rush events are held regularly, do your best to increase your ranking and get great rewards.
2. Use hack tools menu, and enter Gangsta Mafia cheat code - give: cash, intelligence, charm, member, influence, rank up, leadership, promote, talent points, attribute, arena skill, activity points, loyalty, diamonds, cash money
3. If you are curious about what attributes do, tap on the icons to check the description of the attributes.
4. Affairs to handle while shows the method of handling it. I believe that under your great leadership, our gang will be able to expand rapidly.

Gangsta Mafia Hack tools Version:


Gangsta Mafia Redeem code - premium gift box 2021

1. qJYgGQ5fULGl5xl
4. Pq8zS1ZcEn5VGH4
5. dlQiadIBns45xGp
6. yQnVSf1PXvoq4GB
7. 6030Wvj3vr6YHX4
8. RydJtazEA2KrU5l
9. ycwrBrzB3EvpeOL
10. 1fo67KPOmdWs0YS
Released BySolarios
CategoryCheats codes
Platform GC
Patching InformationTargets ISO (Disc Based)
GenreRole Playing > Action RPG trucos
Hack Release Date: 18 May 2021
Views 17460
Cheats Last Modified18 May 2021
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