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We must repair our city before it is damaged any further. First, let’s start building a barrack to train troops. Upgrade it to unlock higher tiers and increase training speed. All our farms burned down from battle. Farm produces and stores food. Upgrade to increase hourly production and capacity.
My lord, i’ve spotted a strange object in the nearby plains. Let’s check now. Ghouls! Let’s chase them away and bring back that object! I will need some time to analyze this thing.

Immortals Endless Warfare hack

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Well, urgent issues have been settled. Whenever you feel lost, press cheat code at the bottom left. Blacksmith - will start working on a tome (free construction complete time +3 minutes) that will take 20 minutes. I have important information for quick development. You can check essential quests. Don’t forget to collect rewards after they are complete.

Immortals Endless Warfare cheats, hack codes

Training grounds - increased the number of troops you can train at once. Study endless knowledge at the academy to strengthen your city. Resource - specialized in resource production, gathering and other related researches. Development - helpful researches to boost your city development speed. Military - strengthening your troops in battle. Defense - making your city more hard to penetrate. Research various technologies that will help you grow your city and troops.
Immortals Endless Warfare wiki
Battle info - shows the alliance territory it’s located along with power and reward lord XP when hunted. You get a bonus reward when you hunt this level monster for the first time. Check basic monster info and rewards. Attacking a monster requires lord stamina. Auto hunting is unlocked at using cheat codes> Once activated, your troops will hunt the same level monster repeatedly until your stamina runs out they are defeated.
Tokens - currency gained when purchasing gold. Can be used at the special shop.

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6 y38eo1 gold coins
7 YbKvul month card
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9 UMpY4Z legendary gear
10 WJLiyi vip ticket
11 1oMgFE gear pack

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Hack cheats tutorial Immortals Endless Warfare (wiki):
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Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US