Last Day on Earth Who’s Trick to Win in ZOMBIE ARENA

Let me introduce to you each players first:
Punk - used to be a raider but gave up on robberies. Never has his shirt on. Punk is the one using slasher. He can only survive one round or sometimes not. You must hit the gong at this part once he finished the round. He will not survive in the next round anymore.
Megan - known everything on herbs and first aid in fights. Can heal herself in fights. Megan is one of the best player to win tickets. She heals 2 to 3 times, once HP hits 50HP below. At this part she has no more healing.
Punster - a merry fellow! Nothing can kill his mood. Health increased by 20. Punster is using winchester with 120 HP. This player only survives 1 round and nothing more. To stop the fight hit the gong and get the tickets.

Last Day on Earth cheats

Hancock - never parts with his paddle that saved his life once. Increases damage over time. If Hancock survives, the damage will increase by 4 in the next round.
The mini game limits to 3 times a day only. If you want to reset the tries you need to pay 50 coins. If you want to always win bet Megan and just monitor her healing. From 5 tickets you gain 20 PCS. Tricks: you can use your gun skills to help the players in the arena. Disadvantage Hancock also get the damage from the skill. Winning two round get 25 tickets.
Author: Solarios