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I’m sorry, mate, but i have bad news. It seems we are at risk of losing work. The owner of car repair franchise, where we’ve been working for 10 years, died yesterday morning. According to his will, the one who first makes the journey from Sydney to Perth - gets his business. Yes, also, 1 million is at stake! You know, the old man always was extravagant, may he rest in peace. You need to visit your father, but we have already checked you in. To be honest, you have to hurry up since the race started yesterday.

Straya Racing hack

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So come on prove to them that we are much more than just locksmiths. My name is cheat-on and i will help you with the cheat code tutorial. Overdrive car and avoid collisions. You will be able change controls in the settings menu after completing the tutorial. Your goal is to outrun a boss which is in 10 places ahead within time limit. Shift up when the needle is in the green to receive extra time and speed bonus. You outrunned an opponent. However, you have to beat 9 more.

Straya Racing cheats, hack codes

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Special boosts give you NOS. Collect them on the road, but be careful! Press NOS button to speed up!
I’ve heard you entered the race? Say hello to your future boss. If you do not understand, at the moment i am in the first place. Your appearance will not change a thing, but competition is always good, right? Finish at leasts in the top hundred, and maybe i’ll pay you and your friends your severance package. I think it motivates you. I’m waiting for you in the garage. It won’t be that easy anymore. YOu should upgrade your car.
Straya Racing wiki
I will lend you my car for this time but you should use your own in the future. Ride on the mark to start mission! Complete missions to increase money multiplier. Complete as many quests as you can. Your cars should be repaired after such accidents. Otherwise, they won’t perform as good as they can. Upgraded handling will help you to avoid crashes. Return to the game from time to time, otherwise you will be overtaken! Now you know what to do! Complete missions and campaign!

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Tip, android gameplay secrets: Gameplay steps, Key Features:
Straya Racing tips
Hack cheats tutorial Straya Racing (wiki):
It is more profitable to buy expensive cars with gems. Keep at least two cars in the garage - one to earn money, the other to advance in the race.
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Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US