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We are forced to leave our home and we are going to an unknown place! After a long trip, we finally found a place to rebuild our home. This is the perfect place to rebuild your homeland. I’ll help you rebuild the home, please give the order. Roads can link the buildings in the base to the city center. Let’s build some roads first. We need to build the work shed so workers will work. Please drag the building to the green square.

West Wars New Settlers hack

Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NYC 10003-1502

Please build the well near sources of clean water. The clean water supply of the base has been temporarily solved. We need to build accommodation for the people now. We don’t have much food left and we need some supply now. The road needs to be repaired before the buildings can be built. We have the supply now and we need a supply depot to distribute the food. Supply depot can give away food and clean water to the population inside the city. Make sure the reserves are sufficient.

West Wars New Settlers cheats, hack codes

Now that the supplies are temporarily settled, you can plan the base future. You have not joined an alliance yet. You can ask allies for speedup help after you join one. We need to restore the electricity to the camp. Traps are everywhere in the dark night. Light is the only thing that will bring peace to the people. We need to build a wind turbine on a right place. Electricity can allow buildings to operate at full capacity. A shortage in electricity can lead to lower efficiency.
West Wars New Settlers wiki
Buildings: wind power plant - produce electric power relying on the wind. If does not need any additional resources. Mine buildings and artillery’s require coal for operations. A mine can help produce coal. Power plant - all base buildings’ normal operation requires electric power. Power plant can produce electric power. Warrior training camp: a training area for warriors. These tall and bulky lads are experts in melee combat. With the watch tower, we can easily eliminate the beasts in the base. Hospital - healing wounded soldiers is easier than training new ones. Hospitals allow you to heal those soldiers.

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Hack cheats tutorial West Wars New Settlers (wiki):
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Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US