eDKYUhUGR - shoot faster;
ElR3ItyzV - shoot extra projectiles diagonally forward to the left and right of your main shot.
WRkxWhmvR - electric charge damages target and nearby enemies when you hit your target.
tg1i958T5 - your projectiles hit your enemy and then ricochet into another target.
XvDHWNbgl - your projectiles freeze enemies for a moment.
n1ZETjMCf - you always fire an extra projectiles when shooting forwards. Slightly decreases projectile damage.
1suSpsW3w - reload speed boost (reload your gun faster)
k7DYiQMnO - healing (restores portion of your HP)
MxWhRiJSJ - gives yo 20% chance of restoring some HP after killing your enemy.
jNLRtmy8i - your max HP increase and part of your HP is restored.
Use the joystick to move to the target area. Great, continue through the gate. Release joystick to start shooting at enemy.
how and where enter cheats code
Author: Solarios
About company, location
title: Cheat Zombero archero hero shooter hack codes
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Categories: GAMES HACK #zombero-archero-hero-shooter