5000 gems - cUe967HEY
20x profit - BNCyZ5HEU
6000 tokins - ieCVbwGju
15 research points - zOkmbB7A5
gold crate - XL68bT5xA
leather case - DF48cplXk
diamond case - 7iI92mogW
platinum case - btScv5FtU
steel crate - xH73vIKUD
legendary strain cards - UjYMHMfRb
legendary manager - Aw13NMjAt
Welcome! I'm your advisor Michelle, here to help you grow your business from a small startup into a global weed empire! Let's open our first dispensary in Sam Francisco. Plant your first strain! Timmers will automatically harvest all. Start your bottler to process your buds for the dispensary. Now that we have some cash, let's upgrade our plants. Looks like that crate gave us enough strain cards to upgrade our strain. Looks like you've off to a good start. If you want to double your income, use pass boost. You're botting your weed faster than you can sell it. Upgrade your dispensary to sell more to customers. Your unprocessed weed is pilling up! Upgrade your bottler to get those buds to your customers faster. Alerts will appear on the top when something needs attention. Followe these to keep your profits growing.
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Author: Solarios
About company, location
title: Cheat Weed Inc idle tycoon hack codes
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Categories: GAMES HACK #weed-inc-idle-tycoon