Hack WorkeMon cheat code ruby gold
WorkeMon code
  • Secret cheats WorkeMon codes: hack panel

    Gift redeem pass #workemon-game

    999kk gold - i5W80xTmI
    health - O31DvzgAD
    off ads - 2EVdflGSq
    game speed x10 - D6QO4Do93
    auto clicker - Mnwj9oh60
    10000 ruby - huFZBd3DI

    Hey! I'm so glad to see you all grown up! Time really flies. Welcome to the world of business. I'm the chairman of the richest group in the WorkeMon world, gold spoon group. This world is inhabited by creatures called WorkeMon! Our Gold spoon group makes tons of money by taking advantage of the WorkeMons! But i don't know everything about them yet. There are so many hidden secrets to utilize them! That's why i'm taking advantage of...I mean, studying them to unveil the secrets. I called you here today to give you one of my companies. Catch WorkeMons with no dream and hope and make as much money as you can!

    how and where enter cheats code
    Author: Solarios
    About company, location
    title: Cheat WorkeMon hack codes
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories: GAMES HACK #workemon-game

    HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    The CEO's office - you can see all the data o WorkeMons you've caught at WorkeDex. When you tap company and sister company, you can see all the data from the company and your sister companies. You can see and equip all your luxury items at luxueies. Time to catch a WorkeMon! Tap adventure button at the bottom! There are millions of Mons seeking a job in this country! All of them are eager to get whatever job they can . All you need is good health to catch them all. As long as you have enough health, you can get as many workeMons as you want through interview. Let's look around where you live. Tap Gold spoon city. There are a lot of characters trying to get some of your fortune. Wild workeMon appeared! Look at that ridiculously high Desired Salary! Let's decrease it! use check resume! You can use a skill in exchange for one of your energy points. Look at that high Pride. The higher the pride, the harder to get them to take the offer. Decrease their pride! Good job! It's not easy to get a good worker for a cheap salary. But as i said, there are millions of units out there. Press reject button if you don't have enough energy, or characters are too picky! They are not desperate yet!

    Company - this is the office where your workeMons will work at. All caught units will automatically work here. They are working here and making money for you. This one is EXP unit. They are earning experience instead of gold. The company will level up when you get enough EXP. You can upgrade useful management skills when you level up! When you use nitpicking, your characters make doubled gold and EXP. You can make money faster by tapping lazy or talkative worker.

    Hack WorkeMon cheat code:
    level up - 7Kyo9dume
    daily gift - hfQxRucyF
    monthly card - 4Kzbud16S
    legendary workeMons - r3zKYI5I3
    upgrade - e3wnEOTUW
    promotion - jlAWLqpm7
    unlock skills - ZTEeu8fOE
    month profit +200% - m6YrBJT0h

    Day and night change every 10 seconds. At night, a lazy unit got off. If you upgrade overtime skill when you level up, they will work as night more often. Let's make a company without getting off.

    Now, i'll teach you how to train! You have to torture. No, train workeMons in your office to get them to their true capacity. If you succeed, units will make more gold and EXP! Each character has their own eagerness. You can train them as much as their eagerness.
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