Press the button to summon a random unit. Press the button to summon one more unit. Tap battle. Merge the footmen to make them stronger. Higher rank units will also get stronger skills. Merging units to adjust your formation. We're out of tokens to recruit units. Let's start the battle. A Sage - she will refill an ally's energy instead of attacking enemies. Sage - increase the attack speed of the closest ally by 100% for 3 seconds. Merge bonus can also affect terrain object. The rock will break if it strength is larger than you!
14000 gems - 2V1UIBrhr
100000 golds - d3IAZzWEZ
add 10 strength to all units - aDGPxH4lx
upgrade the next 3 draft units to rank 2 - NGUGd3d33
Elixir grants units a shield of 33% max HP. Gain 2 extra elixir - 1hysAIw8x
Gold dropped by enemies increases 200% - fVcRwNoCq
when the battle starts, stun all enemies for 2 seconds - IQtRGzOAg
how and where enter cheats code
Author: Solarios
About company, location
title: Cheat Merge war hack codes
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Categories: GAMES HACK #merge-war