weight loss acceleration package - TREDQ3CY6
newcomer special package - KGvGTUUUG
success rate +200% - E45722FDZ
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Welcome! Our goal is to allow customers to maintain a good physique through exercise. Now let's see how you can run your fitness club. There it is, your first customer is coming. Customers will record their initial weight at the registration area. Upgrade your registration area to let customers complete their registration faster.The faster check in counter work, the more money you make. This way, we can let our the customers wait in queue for a shorter time. The customers need to change their fitness clothes. Free locker room is provided for our customers. After changing into sportswear, they can go to a fitness class. Customers will go to the slimming course after changing their clothes. Upgrading the course level will improve the profit of gym. The addition of seats can allow more customers to participate in the training.
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Author: Solarios
About company, location
title: Cheat Fitness club tycoon hack codes
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Categories: GAMES HACK #Fitness-club-tycoon