Pass - on this screen you can look at your available cards and modify your deck. On the left of the screen you can see your current deck. Tap cards to view them in more detail. Swipe cards out to the right to remove them. On the right of the screen is a book containing all the cards available to you. Swipe cards to the left to add them to your deck. You can scroll through multiple pages of your available cards and use filters to display subsets of interest. Use cheat ignu9uFEG - as you open more cards packs, the cards you obtain will appear in this book. You can get more card packs from the chest in the main menu. You can also redeem victory tokens to make specific cards of your choice.
Your current hand is displayed in the lower left of the screen. Swipe a card upwards to play it, or tap a card to see it up close. Tapping the reward button will shuffle your opening hand back into your deck and you will draw the same number of new cards. Army cards cannot move on the same turn as they are played, so you will need to wait until next turn to move it. Positioning army cards on villages will allow you to generate extra gold each turn. Support cards can be played onto army cards that are on the map. Every turn you castle will generate 1 gold, with cheat code - 4 gold. You will also gain 1 additional gold every turn for each village occupied by one of your army cards. The other resource you have is power. Unlike gold, you do not automatically gain power each turn. Instead, you gain power though certain cards or traits.
how and where enter cheats code
Author: Solarios
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title: Cheat Kingdom Draw hack codes
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Categories: GAMES HACK #kingdom-draw