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ALICE Fiction Main Quests
  • ALICE Fiction Main Quests wiki

    What are Main Quests?
    In Main Quests, accessible from the Quests button on the right side of the Home Screen, you can use energy to attempt battle quests and read the main story.
    By winning battles, you can receive player experience, character EXP, bond increases, and expansion items.
    *There are instances where enemies not shown in the quest details appear, and you can receive additional rewards.

    For battle quests, you can borrow a support character from a friend (once per day).

    You can use ALICE Fiction

    Types of Main Quests
    There are two types of Main Quests: Normal and Hard. The difficulty level and rewards will differ between the two modes.
    *For details about Normal and Hard mode, please check under "Quest" > "Main Quest (Normal)" or "Main Quest (Hard)" in the Help section.

    Main Quest (Normal)
    By clearing Main Quests, you can unlock new content along with rewards such as expansion items and Credits.

    Battle Quests
    You can take on enemies in battles by using energy.
    If you win the battle, you can receive rewards such as expansion items.

    ALICE Fiction Using Energy wiki:

    The amount of energy used depends on the battle quest. If you don't have a sufficient amount of energy, you will not be able to attempt the battle.
    Additionally, if you lose or withdraw from battle, you will lose one energy, but the rest will be returned to you.

    How to Take on Battle Quests
    Take on these quests by the following steps:
    1. Tap "Quests" on the right side of the Home Screen.
    2. Tap "Main Quests".
    3. Tap the chapter you want to go to.
    4. Tap the battle quest you wish to take on.
    5. Tap "Attempt".
    6. Once you finish assembling your party, tap "Attempt".

    Story Quests
    You can play through stories set in ALICE.
    By progressing through Main Quests (Normal), you can unlock new stories.

    How to Play Story Quests
    1. Tap "Quests" on the right side of the Home Screen.
    2. Tap "Main Quests".
    3. Tap the chapter you want to go to.
    4. Tap the story quest you wish to play.
    5. Select "Without Voices" to play without story voices, or "With Voices" to play with story voices.

    ALICE Fiction Three Stars wiki

    Main Quest Clear Rank
    In battle quests, your clear rank will depend on how many of your characters were defeated in battle.
    *The clear rank will be shown in stars.

    Clearing with Three Stars
    There are special rewards available for clearing a quest with three stars.
    *You can only receive these rewards once per quest.
    Additionally, if you clear the quest with three stars without using a support character, you can skip this battle quest in the future with the party you cleared the quest with

    ALICE Fiction Changing Parties wiki

    Skip to Clear
    If you clear a quest with three stars without using a support character, you can skip that quest in the future with the party you cleared the quest with.
    By using skip, you can clear the quest without engaging in battle.
    You can skip multiple times at once, and confirm the results on the results page.

    Your energy will be depleted according to the number of skips.
    If you don't have enough energy to win the number of attempts you wish to skip, you will not be able to skip.

    Changing Parties
    You cannot change your party when skipping.
    By clearing the quest with three stars without using skip, you can update that quest's clear party.

    First Clear Rewards
    You can receive these rewards when clearing certain battle quests for the first time.
    *You can only receive these rewards once per quest.
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