Through tou avatars, humans can freely explore the toy world. Just break the trap with the basic battle. The abandoned base? But i thought i set the coordinates of the avatar in Utopia? Anyway, let's get out of here. Get rid of these pesky monkeys. Here, a gift for you, Open it and see what's inside. A new avatar for battle. Great, let's try it out now.
I'm Opal, and i'm a merchant. May i ask you to do me a favor? Tose monkeys have made this base their lair. Would you drive them away? I was looking for treasures. Ahem, i mean, i was passing by when the monkey king came out of nowhere. It snatched the battery for the gate and ran into the engineering passage. Just press the button and the passage will open. WHoa! There's monkeys even here! Let's see how your avatar fights.