Just like you think, at the beginning of the story, there's always a beautiful princess. And a evil dragon, of course. The dragon has taken enough princesses to start a football team...The dragon took the princess again. In the nick of time, we need you, warrior. You're the only one who can save the world and rescue the princess. Congratulations on activating warrior system. Let's go save the princess. What? No weapon? No worries! I am feeling generous today! Follow me to level up your weapon first. Tap "level up" to level up your weapon. Now let's check our the boost tab. Forge weapon - this will give your powerful multiple bonus.
Have you read any fairy tales at all? What warrior fights a dragon with bodyguards? And even if you do, then who saved the Princess? You or your bodyguards? So, be a man! Sharpen your pencil knife! Hurl some DMG! Faster, higher, and stronger. The bottom right icon on the weapon indicates its track shield are in mid track. Let's drag the shield to replace the dagger. Same track weapons will crash into each other. The higher the level of your weapon, the more likely it will prevail in the crash. Let's see it in action.