Codes for Bugs Go: Defender & list of cheats
Bugs Go: Defender
  • Bugs Go: Defender cheat codes - list:

    Code #1: 20BeK-1KnSS

    Embark on a journey as the beetle knight with cheat 20BeK-1KnSS in Bugs Go: Defender. Unleash the "Beetle's Wrath," empowering your attacks with unmatched ferocity. Activate this code in the heart of battle to witness the insect kingdom tremble before your mighty onslaught.

    Beetle's Wrath transforms your knight into a force to be reckoned with, decimating swarms of enemy bugs with ease. Activate 20BeK-1KnSS, command the beetle's wrath, and become the insect kingdom's greatest defender.

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    Code #2: 21PeT-2LeGG

    Forge unbreakable bonds with your pet using cheat 21PeT-2LeGG in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Pet's Legacy," enhancing your companion's abilities to unprecedented levels. This code turns your pet into a formidable ally, turning the tide of battle with its augmented powers.

    Pet's Legacy becomes a testament to the unbreakable bond between beetle knight and companion. Activate 21PeT-2LeGG, unlock the pet's legacy, and watch as your loyal companion becomes an invaluable asset in the fight against the bug invasion.

    Code #3: 22BuG-3CrSH

    Crush enemy resistance with cheat 22BuG-3CrSH in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Bug Crusher," increasing your attack power to unparalleled heights. This code transforms your attacks into devastating blows, obliterating bug swarms with a single strike.

    Bug Crusher becomes a symbol of overwhelming strength, as your beetle knight emerges as the bug kingdom's ultimate nemesis. Activate 22BuG-3CrSH, wield the bug crusher, and experience the thrill of unmatched power in the epic battles against the insect invaders.

    Code #4: 23ArM-4ArMY

    Arm yourself for victory with cheat 23ArM-4ArMY in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Armor Army," fortifying your beetle knight with an impenetrable defense. This code enhances your resilience, turning you into an unyielding fortress against the relentless bug onslaught.

    Armor Army becomes a testament to your invincibility, as bug attacks bounce off your fortified armor. Activate 23ArM-4ArMY, strengthen the armor army, and become the bug kingdom's impervious defender.

    Code #5: 24SpE-5eDDY

    Speed through battle with cheat 24SpE-5eDDY in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Speedy Evasion," granting your beetle knight unparalleled agility. This code transforms you into a nimble warrior, effortlessly dodging bug attacks and maneuvering through the battlefield with finesse.

    Speedy Evasion becomes a dance of precision, as you evade bug swarms with unmatched grace. Activate 24SpE-5eDDY, embrace the speedy evasion, and become the insect kingdom's elusive defender.

    Code #6: 25ChA-6oRRZ

    Challenge the bug hierarchy with cheat 25ChA-6oRRZ in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Champion's Roar," instilling fear in bug enemies and reducing their combat effectiveness. This code turns your beetle knight into a battlefield commander, disrupting bug formations with the power of your roar.

    Champion's Roar becomes a rallying cry for victory, as bug swarms falter in the face of your commanding presence. Activate 25ChA-6oRRZ, unleash the champion's roar, and lead your insect kingdom to triumph.

    Code #7: 26ViS-7iCTY

    Visualize victory with cheat 26ViS-7iCTY in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Visual Spectacle," creating mesmerizing visuals that disorient bug adversaries. This code introduces a visual spectacle, turning battles into a dazzling display of colors and effects.

    Visual Spectacle becomes a distraction in the midst of battle, as bugs struggle to navigate the mesmerizing visuals. Activate 26ViS-7iCTY, immerse yourself in the visual spectacle, and gain the upper hand in the insect kingdom's relentless onslaught.

    Code #8: 27CoM-8rADE

    Command the battlefield with cheat 27CoM-8rADE in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Commander's Radiance," boosting the morale of your allies and increasing their combat effectiveness. This code transforms your beetle knight into a charismatic leader, inspiring companions to fight with unparalleled zeal.

    Commander's Radiance becomes a beacon of hope, as allies rally around your charismatic presence. Activate 27CoM-8rADE, radiate commander's brilliance, and lead your insect kingdom to triumph against overwhelming odds.

    Code #9: 28UpG-9rISE

    Unleash unprecedented upgrades with cheat 28UpG-9rISE in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Upgrade Ensemble," unlocking a myriad of powerful weapons and equipment. This code opens a treasure trove of possibilities, allowing you to customize your beetle knight with unprecedented diversity.

    Upgrade Ensemble becomes a playground of possibilities, as you mix and match enhancements to create a truly unique cybernetic champion. Activate 28UpG-9rISE, explore the upgrade ensemble, and witness the transformation of your character into a bug-busting marvel.

    Code #10: 29SeC-10BB

    Secure victory with cheat 29SeC-10BB in Bugs Go: Defender. Activate the "Security Cipher," creating an impenetrable shield that protects you from enemy attacks. This code turns you into an unyielding fortress, impervious to the assaults of bug adversaries.

    Security Cipher becomes a symbol of resilience, as you confidently face the onslaught of enemy forces. Activate 29SeC-10BB, deploy the security cipher, and emerge victorious in the bug battles of Bugs Go: Defender. Speed through battle with cheat 24SpE-5eDDY in Bugs Go: Defender. Arm yourself for victory with cheat 23ArM-4ArMY in Bugs Go: Defender.

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