Digital Rise of Glory gift codes (gold, resources)
Rise of Glory codes
  • unit5.jpg
    As a Spartan, only be conquering the enemy can the enemy be completely surrendered! We must collect resources and recruit soldiers before we can begin to build our power. We must also defend ourselves against other ambitious lords and make trust worthy allies.
    Rise of Glory gift codes
    Now, only your wisdom and strategy can guide us to glory! I believe with all my heart that you will be the one to unite us, and that is why you have my loyalty!
    You have to defeat all your enemies. Please use the counter stats of different types of units appropriately to repel the invaders.
    You need a better asclepieion if possible so that more wounded can be treated. The asclepieion can heal units injured when defending your city.
    You can upgrade it for upgrade you need resources.

    You can use Rise of Glory codes:

    to get 500k stone - 1k2youUFEF
    500k wood - MLEylbC5Nn
    500k food - FQZQv4NAES
    500k metal - vvOoQIxoz2
    500k copper - xeQwd1soXH
    500k coins - zaDmuIlHSx
    You can use coupon for 100 instant construction - vOFLFQwPob and 10000x gold coins - c3LT04N0XL
    If you will upgrade the asclepieion you increase it capacity, healing speed and your power.

    Then you have to join a league. The advantages of joining: otain assistance from your league to speed up, obtain free gifts from members,
    enter exclusive league store, 100 free gold coins every day.

    Growth gift - 0ffWXGCel7
    Resources chest - Y3oqPrd7lg

    Maybe someone know another one? Plz write in the comment section!
  • unit2.jpg
    You should know about this:
    - ensure your wall is always full of traps to better defend your city.
    - each vip level will unlock powerful buffs for your city.
    Add Vip points code - YvNBo2ypEA
    Activate Rise of Glory VIP - LDxjL2dVOl
    Hero revival - 6UDauZGXNh
    Reset hero preset - 3S5eU3wj0z
    Upgrade march preset - 9wXY9nRBJd
    - The warehouse can protect a portion of your resources from being plundered by enemies.

    With this Rise of Glory gift code JfkfcE7yzq you can get all this buffs (the following buffs can provide the city with extra benefits and capabilities):

    - Aegis of protection: prevent other players from scouting or attacking your city;
    - Attack buff: increases the attack of your unit;
    - HP buff: increases the HP of your unit;
    - Unit maintenance reduction buff: decreases unit maintenance within the time limit;
    - Marching size buff: increases your marching size limit;
    - counter-scout: prevent the enemies from scouting your city;
    - Hero EXP buff: increases EXP obtained by your hero;
    - Collection buff gift code: increases the collection speed at resource spots;
    - Training capacity buff: increases unit training capacity in the city;
    - COnfusion charm: displays a fake amount of your unit size when being scouted;
    - Food buff: increases the yield of all types of food in the city.
  • New Rise of Glory code: may redeem gift pack - yb1pi7FqqA
  • unit7.jpg
    I’m a noob where do I input commander coupon?
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