Pinocchio Hero codes (gift jewels, keys, ticket, costumes)
Pinocchio Hero codes
  • I will teach you how to become strong. First, let's learn how to change weapons. Just select the weapon you want to equip and touch the slot you want to change.
    You can use the two equipped weapons alternately. When you swap weapons, we'll cast a fusion spell to combine the attack power of both weapons. Press the AUTO button to activate automatic switch.
    Pinocchio Hero code

    Guardian Arty can swing a mallet like a hammer. It has sleepy eyes and looks calm, but it is very violent when it fights. His elementary school-like tone of voice is something annoying, but he's a good friend.
    Guardian Jetty is a sharpshooter. He is the most handsome and gorgeous. The elegant tone of voice and sophisticated hooded fachion are a bonus.
    Guardian Col is a master of sworsmanship. Despite his harsh eyes, he is a great romanticst. Her lovely comments sometimes make the battle difficult.
    Guardian Sis is a great wizard. It may be hard to believe, but he is the strongest amoung us. I wish you wouldn't stop making jokes...

    You can grow your abilities with gold obtained from monster or buy using gift codes. When the gauge at the top of the screen is full, you can challenge the boss.
    Weapon skills can only be used by equipping them on designated weapons. Collect various skills and you may meet mysterious power. Active and passive skills can be equipped on all weapons, but cannot be equipped multiple times.
    Pinocchio Hero gift code

    If you cut the nose you can get Liar energy and wood materials. When you fill the Liar gauge, the final damage will increase, so it would be a good idea to use it well.
    Every time you obtain wood materials, the logging gauge also increases. When the logging gauge is full, you can call a Nosebound train. You can use gift code y5QPFC87Ep to fill up the Liar gauge and 2pGcWyDGD2 and the logging gauge.

    The more costumes you collect, the stronger you can become. Have you gathered all the ingredients needed to level up your nose? Level up your nose using this gift code NVWy8luXZe.
    At the nose level increases, the loadage of the nosebound train and the maximum length of the nose increase!

    Pinocchio Hero codes (jewels, keys, ticket, costumes)

    Pinocchio Hero code 10000x Jewels - cW01jU8vGq
    Pinocchio Hero code gold (48h reward) - M1hR3ShBZ4
    Pinocchio Hero code - imOErJ1Sis
    Pinocchio Hero code - FtRCmK2kJn
    Pinocchio Hero code - JIZP3YEokl
    Pinocchio Hero code - QN3z9Rr47t
    Pinocchio Hero code 10000x Magical stones - gdeDK9rlkV
    Pinocchio Hero code 100x lucky dices - VzpmrnCyFA
    Pinocchio Hero code 200x weapon stone bag, Pinocchio Hero code - AaQ7HZN85Q
    Pinocchio Hero code 10x nosebound 1-way ticket - uVi2oL5PLk
    Pinocchio Hero code 10x rnd. normal key - npHNK6Cv0x
    Pinocchio Hero code EXP (48h reward) - 2pDk73jYrX
    Pinocchio Hero code Ad removal - pYv0KIwEUQ
    Pinocchio Hero code Special summon pack I - ko6aA0k5rm
    Pinocchio Hero code Special summon pack II - Gy79VgtaME
    Pinocchio Hero code SPecial summon pack III, Pinocchio Hero code - s0ddQ7ZoCI
    Pinocchio Hero code Special costume pack - oGYjgy9O4o
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