Hack cheats Age of Wushu Dynasty
Age of Wushu Dynasty
  • Free Age of Wushu Dynasty hacks, cheats, code on vigor, silver, key, cultivation, internal skills, exp, offline, energy.

    Smash the opponent to decrease his Rage state and inflict all kinds of adverse states upon him. Feints can be used to counter the opponent's parries. Equipment reinforcement and enhancement will improve attributes. The rankings of the Sky arena will be reset every night from 8pm to 9pm.

    HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    Ruthless Staff is famous for its long-ranged powerful attacks. Centeredness gathers Chi with Mind, and creates Force with Chi. The Tai Chi sword set boasts strong recovery and survival skills. Wudang's Internal Skills focus on defense.
    The departing sting set Age of Wushu Dynasty features control ability and high explosive force. Internal Skills feature balanced cultivation and attributes.
    Viper's sting features skills enchancing critical hit and movement. Tangmen Internal skills is offense-focused and features poisons.
    Enemies Age of Wushu Dynasty who are parrying will block most damage from Ovet skills. If you see a blue icon above an enemy's head, that means they're parrying. Use a Feint to break the enemy's parry, then attack with Overt skills. The boss can do a lot of damage. Use parry to decrease your amount of damage taken. Counter-attack to disrupt your opponent's attack.
    When several internal skills Age of Wushu Dynasty are equipped, you will get bonus power.

    cheats, hacks for Age of Wushu Dynasty

    • UefEVa - silver;
    • EA1ng5 - cheats: cultivation. Use cultivation points to upgrade skills and internal skills;
    • c67xyx - key;
    • OmODjl - internal skills;
    • sWXMno - Experience (Exp);
    • 3Ijsyr - Vigor;

    • 1BsIPc - energy

    • Z6cccG - offline

    Cheats, hacks on game Age of Wushu Dynasty free and only letter code. Only enter cheats

  • how and where enter
    Author: Solarka
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories:GAMES CHEATS