Cheats hack Knights Fight 2 code:legendary armor royal chest silver coins gold pass keys unlimited energy Knights Fight 2 Hack tools gift voucher codes game bug android, ios.
Cheats Game story Basics Hint & Tips Redeem code

Knights Fight 2 hack cheat code List

season pass scores - use hack wNuZcb89l
+25% XP for fights - enter pass KpmFuGvUy
Bonus cards without watching ads - 2fxSKb98r
x2 competition league scores - pRxftKRxF
legendary armor - HZ8sgZGvR
royal chest - a0ppwtsbi
Month Card x1 - IzBXUshSQ
upgrade - xTTXoyM2n
daily gift bag x10 - rTEpsIO54
secret combination code - fQnVWJM8s
donation package - KEVmrXhGk
silver coins - 8HPpI0PLZ
bonus booster - C0vQzaodV
weekly deal - Aw71N6vGS
gold pass - tyjkYNSjv
unlimited energy - gZhQClp8b
keys - WeJd26gkt
gold coins - fLhd5WduQ
monthly limited pack - POPi107zA

Knights Fight 2 use cheats
HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!

Game story

Shorland, a prospering kingdom of king Alvin. Thousands of brave souls all across the land gather here to prove their strength and valor. Duels and tourneys are constantly held in which the bravest warriors fight for the right to be called knights. Many of them find their death and only few mark themselves in history. Their deeds are the source of legends, they are worshipped in songs and their names are forever engraved in chronicles and descendant's memories. I've ,ade a long journey to come here. All i have is my father's good name, a few coins, trusty weapon and a firm hand. But shortly i will become Shortland's first knight and obtain fortune and fame.

Knights Fight 2 Hack Basics

The indicator shows current attack direction of your opponent. Move the stick handle to the left to block attack from the left. Move the stick handle position to change attack direction and press the attack button. Move stick to the right or to the left and press the dodge button to dodge. When the opponent's attack indicator changes it's color press the attack button to do a counter attack. When the opponent performs special attack, time slows down and you get an opportunity to counter them. To do so, move joystick in a direction and press button, as indicated on warning above enemy head. Note that direction and action required to counter special attack can be different.

Hint & Tips

1. Take part in PvP duels and progress in leagues to get better rewards. Each win in duels gives you rewards for battle season.
2. While out of stamina you can only perform weak attacks and block. Stamina will restore automatically.
3. Common chest contains 2 equipment cards. 2 Common items or better guaranteed. Possibility of special attack cards.

Knights Fight 2 Hack tools Version:


Knights Fight 2 Redeem gift code

1. XuCkWgrCvoA5e2u
2. UkuRSRXR03rwCrb
3. tikT3Kkhd8Y32S8
4. DMz0ZTnx27lzpLZ
5. k9TV28lSXzYEN9J

Released By Solarios

Category Cheats codes

Platform GC

Patching InformationTargets ISO (Disc Based)

GenreRole Playing > Action RPG

Hack Release Date 31 October 2020

Views 12190

Last Modified 31 October 2020

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