Cheats hack Last Fortress Underground code:heroes, diamond, ingredients, stats, energy, food, resources, components, technology Last Fortress Underground Hack tools gift voucher codes game bug android, ios.

Game menu: Cheats Game story Basics Hint & Tips Redeem code

Last Fortress Underground hack cheat code List

starter's pack - use hack aTrLdU0ZN
elite heroes - enter pass gcZmTWCUC
diamond - oHAOjjt69
gold - zeY1GszTe
booster pack - 1EUKnzYHA
ingredients - Ayq1VUn8V
Month Card x1 - P77Du4gGb
upgrade - 205jKzKcJ
daily gift bag x10 - EekAe13jD
secret combination code - euZnUW4YM
increase stats - 0PnZ1hNtM
energy - Uf8GCZQoe
food - 6oN1Lcvqp
weekly box - RgCJMd9uJ
resources - n9sNwncFW
components - UvVGGHShn
unlock technology - zBMNGct2J

Last Fortress Underground use cheats
HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
Game story

And as i came back to my senses, we were already standing outside the zombie-overridden base. We made it! We actually made it1 I exclaimed to my companions, but we're the only ones that did. Brady said sorrowfully. He was right, we were the last of the survivors. Check and see if there are any power switches around here. This place still has electricity! Looks like luck is shining down on us for once. Look, there's a hatch over here! Let's head down and check it out, there might be some supplies we can use, Keep your eyes peeled though.

Last Fortress Underground Hack Basics

Based on the content of notebook, it seems we're in some sort of giant underground 'fortress'. As long as we put in the work, we'll have everything we need to survive:food, water, power, and other various resources. Compared to the hell outside the doors, this is place is practically a paradise. Let's just hope these aren't the mindless rants of a crazy novelist. Spend power to activate the Vehicle radar and scan for survivors outside the HQ, then dispatch Vehicles on a search & rescue mission to bring them back and bolster your HQ! The radar cannot be used too frequently as it will require regular maintenance.

Hint & Tips

1. Heroes that are in good moods perform better, in bad moods perform lousier.
2. Use hack tools menu, and enter cheat code - give: elite heroes, diamond, ingredients, increase stats, energy, food, resources, components, unlock technology
3. Upgrade mission control to unlock additional facilities. Repair material warehouse - used for storing various materials and miscellaneous items.
4. Some people actually do business in this apocalypse, and they will wait for you on the roof to exchange supplies every day.
5. It is not only zombies that are dangerous in this world, but also other survivors who covet your base.
6. Do not know what to do? Look at the assignment book.

Last Fortress Underground Hack tools Version:


Last Fortress Underground Redeem gift code

2. xjOfS9gJ3AkUgFF
3. 60AjV604uXFzQh3
4. Zy1puEAuxFyjT26
5. rqaeyQZZI6xAjHU
Released BySolarios
CategoryCheats codes
Platform GC
Patching InformationTargets ISO (Disc Based)
GenreRole Playing > Action RPG
Hack Release Date: 21 November 2020
Views 12870
Last Modified21 November 2020
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