Cheats hack Mafia Simulator code:leadership, token, skills, VIP, cargo, chocolate, cash, diamonds, stamina, child, vigor Mafia Simulator Hack tools gift voucher codes game bug android, ios.

Game menu: Cheats Game story Basics Hint & Tips Redeem code

Mafia Simulator hack cheat code List

starter's pack - use hack V4mzqV0eI
leadership - enter pass 59VhCTGFM
off ad - rdzySkXAW
level up token - ocQSL8L3L
booster pack - YwICA7UIp
skills - ZFEJ16No8
Month Card x1 - p8nk9amb3
upgrade - BC1P6YjEN
daily gift bag x10 - UvoyPVhAj
secret combination code - 3kFyjWfYD
cargo - NSDhuyZNh
chocolate - TQwu6H4pt
weekly box - uETmlzbpY
cash - h7gvKvfYn
daily task - s1HRJg6X5
drawing chances - CDjVU2IiA
diamonds - o0lwgfjut
cash - dhyOhoTmP
premium partner - JbcKRXkNJ
stamina - mCSA8rMrv
child - LCxKx6Z7Z
vigor potion - HiZC2iJre
token of politics - ZrJVGUP81
tokens of affairs - Es7ir6OuE

Mafia Simulator use cheats
HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
Game story

NY City, a lawless zone which was totally under control by some mafia families. Tonight, two mafia gangs broke up and gunfires kept the whole city awaken. In the end, one of the mafia gang, aka Black Dragon won the victory, however, its gang leader was killed during the gun fight. We must follow boss's will. Hurry up, or someone may stay one step in front of us. We've sent some boys to find the scepter. Once you get through the hard time, the whole gang will be yours. The remnants of the NY mafia family have come to revenge. Even worse, some seniors in our gang questioned your authority and will not come to help us. You have to fight for yourself now!

Mafia Simulator Hack Basics

Only higher leadership can bring more soldiers. Many excellent heroes will join your gang in the future. And victory of each battle depends on how you develop your heroes. Handing politics affairs may increase the chances to obtain leadership pills. Defeating NY Mafia won you great reputation and admiration. There are 3 basic resources: cash, cargo and soldiers. They are the basic elements to boost your gang's development.

Hint & Tips

1. Soldiers can enter the alliance hospital for treatment. The fewer soldiers you lose, the higher stars you can obtain.
2. Use hack tools menu, and enter cheat code - give: leadership, level up token, skills, VIP 11, cargo, chocolate, cash, daily task, drawing chances, diamonds, off ad, premium partner, stamina, child, vigor potion, token of politics, tokens of affairs
3. Token of affairs - obtain an opportunity to manage affairs, use in managing affairs.

Mafia Simulator Hack tools Version:


Mafia Simulator Redeem gift code

1. kXZ0ouQHi33Fx0f
2. e7MjOjluFY0z0G0
3. 8fvRUgsGrKALhjv
4. rRbLCGMqFKhbYyz
5. 952yfNVBQAJ7Fxi
Released BySolarios
CategoryCheats codes
Platform GC
Patching InformationTargets ISO (Disc Based)
GenreRole Playing > Action RPG
Hack Release Date: 23 November 2020
Views 12940
Last Modified23 November 2020
TOP Cheats list: