In a distant and mysterious pig kingdom of HryupsLandii...There lived an eerily greedy king Zhilkimer. The people of that kingdom lived in poverty while this pig stuffed its huge belly...Only after many years of the reign of this animal, there was a hero who decided to resist - the reign of this vile King. Oh, are you here already? In that case, welcome to my humble camp. I hope you quickly get used to it and you will not have any difficulties. To begin with, I will give you a short tour. Before you is an ancient well, it was built long before the appearance of the pig race. Rumor has it that he allows you to make HryupsMoney out of thin air.
This is our brand new Mine, here you can organize a very profitable production of HryupsMoney. There is a tent of robbers in front of you, every 3 minutes they will bring you HryupsMoney. They can also sometimes bring GrumpGems. And this is our reconnaissance squad, without it you won't be able to seize power in the pig kingdom. Before you is the famous Enchanti robot, he delivers the latest developments to our camp. The wagon, it is she who will bring new pigs to your camp. This magic button here can speed up your process in our humble world. This is where our tour came to an end, gather a brave detachment of pigs and go to capture new possessions. Then we can meet again, my new friend...
cheat Step #2: Our best magicians have learned how to get HryupsMoney with the help of clicks. But the clicks are only yours, my lord, you can put the magicians to work to increase the power of the clicks. Congratulations, you have taken the first step to seizing power in the pig kingdom. I'm sorry that pigs don't know martial arts. But maybe soon they will learn to fight... Miners - There is a mine near our camp. If you hire a squad of miners, then you can get HryupsMoney every second. Cart with pigs - Here you can recruit new fighters for your army.
code Step #3: Squad of robbers - We have formed a squad that will raid without your participation, you can help us with finances, and we will take care of the productivity of our squad. Reconnaissance squad - Every time you explore the territory, it becomes more and more dangerous. You should take care of the strength of the reconaissance squad and improve it. Captain Fier, don't you think it's strange that we don't receive information from our soldiers' forest checkpoints?
Pig Empire Step #4: News has reached me that the scout Svinero is hiding in the forests. This is Zhilkimer's court servant, his eyes and ears in this kingdom. You should strengthen your army and improve production. Building Type - Construction is mainly divided into two categories: buildings and facilities. The buildings that have been placed can be demolition and relocated, while the facilities can be demolition or directry moved and relocated. Different constructions have different placement conditions for different types of content. Most buildings must be placed on a base, while doors and windows must be built on walls.
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