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Raid Boss Game controls: welcome to your fresh new guild hall! It’s nice in here. You’ll love it. Becoming a good guild is no small feat. But all guilds have to start somewhere, in your case, at the very bottom. A guild needs members and you don’t seem to have any. All available guild members arrive in the recruit hall. Let’s go see if anyone’s there. Look at that! You’ve already got three guild members waiting to join your guild. They must have good hearts, because they’re even willing to join for free! Tap each one and recruit them.

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Not bad for your first five minutes of guild bossing! Time to go and battle in your first dungeon. Each squad leader can perform a unique super ability! These abilities can deal massive damage, heal, buff your team. Drag the ability icon above your squad leader onto an enemy and release it. You’ll need some more help if you want to take down the big baddies. Go recruit gain from the recruit hall. Tap on the guild member and then tap tier up!

Raid Boss cheats, hack codes

By tiering up, they unlocked a new ability. Guild members will use their normal abilities all on their own (you get to control the leader’s super abilities). Watch out for red zone attacks! You’ll need to move your squads to avoid them. Not bad, but you can’t win on damage alone. Recruit a healer from the recruit hall to help. Normally to recruit it costs gems. Every time you recruit, however, the cost goes down until new guild members show up. You can see this at the top of the shop.
Raid Boss wiki
Use cheat codes - this time, though, it looks like you get one free healer. Choose your favorite! Don’t worry, they’re all great. You can even recruit more than one with some gems. Take the healer for a test drive in the next dungeon when you’re ready! Ok, the kid gloves are coming off! Now you need to choose your own squads. It’s easy! Add guild members to your squads by tapping them on the left. They’ll fill in the next open slot of the highlighted squad.

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Raid Boss gift codes, hack, note.

Tip, android gameplay secrets: Gameplay steps, Key Features, skills:
Raid Boss tips
Hack cheats tutorial Raid Boss(wiki):
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Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US