Cheat engine hacks: secrets code RPG Dice Adventure mode.

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It was a quiet, peaceful day in the village of Whitestone! But the peace would not last... Your saga begins!This is your first story quest. Hurry and complete it! You have to land on tile to complete your story quest. Just like in board games, roll your die to advance! Find an easy mark - the merchant’s coin purse was almost too easy to steal. What will Nevin spend his new gold on? Now to make a clean getaway.

RPG Dice Adventure hack

Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NYC 10003-1502

Oh my, your first battle! Watch yourself...Tap an enemy to roll your combat Dice and attack them! Basic attack: attack your target for 100% of your attack, If you roll a shield, gain 40% of your defense as shields! Attack faces increase the damage you deal until your next turn begins. Tap an enemy and roll your combat dice again. Shield faces increase the amount of shields gained until your next turn begins.

RPG Dice Adventure cheats, hack codes

Remember: land on the highlighted tiles to complete your story quest. It’s time for another battle, but now you have a team of three! Use a skill this time. They are quite powerful! Select a target and land that blow! Poison strike: damage your target for 140% of attack, then poison them for the same amount over 2 turns. YOur heroes each have unique skills. Learn to use them all. Heavy shield: gail 200% of defense as shields and taunt for 1 turn. Arcane missiles - attack all exposed enemies for 210% of attack. Dals 50% more damage to shields!
RPG Dice Adventure wiki
It’s time for your heroes to grow stronger! Take a closer look at them and use pass. Home tile - collected items are stored here in the stash. To collect these items, you’ll need to pass by or land on the home tile. You’ve retrieved the legendary weapon from the stash! Now equip them, and klet’s go find more treasures. Just press auto equip, and your best gear will be equipped automatically.
Look, you’ve found a new die! Let’s return to the stash to claim it! We’ll need to get back to the stash to get the die, but it will take a few rolls.

how to enter hack cheats engine RPG Dice Adventure (gift code, coupon).

Code number Cheat Hack title
1 lbuWfd upgrade
2 lsUkCa stat point
3 TBsTv3 coupon
4 ChKPZd promo code
5 HCuTy5 gift box
6 R2l6nk gold coins
7 DMT1On month card
8 DvXGW2 premium pack
9 zPnXYW legendary gear
10 BoOlco vip ticket
11 fynN4b gear pack

RPG Dice Adventure gift codes, hack, note.

Tip, android gameplay secrets: Gameplay steps, Key Features:
RPG Dice Adventure tips
Hack cheats tutorial RPG Dice Adventure (wiki):
t0rdjp - supply box
jKRCv9 - treasure chest
vwNJW7 - multiplayer
FnJog4 - vip status
PR8P2H - star tokens
Hack 9JK3tO - artifacts
Cheat 2K34DK - evade
1q3XJE - elite ticket
ZImk9x - exchange cheat code

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Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US