Cheat engine hacks: secrets code Summoners Era mode.

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Greeting! Welcome to Hisulantis - legendary city of the most powerful spells on planet! Looks like you don;t have any companion. Please follow me to the Summon circle (basic, premium, friend)! Time to explore the world! Select heroes to join the battle. Remember that basic attack normally focuses on hero in position #1 first, then follows the order of position from #2 to #5. The battle is fully automatic. Your heroes recover energy after using their basic attack.

Summoners Era hack

Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NYC 10003-1502

Look, energy bar of your heroes is full now. With these energies, they will release a powerfull active skill when their turn comes. One more thing, you can change the position of your heroes. Remember that ATK of heroes will increase when they are placed in back line and HP will increase when in front line. Summoners - cannot be attacked by anyway. They can increase power of heroes in their team with incredible spells. When a hero recovers energy, summoner recovers too. When the energy bar is full, all energies will be converted into a flame.

Summoners Era cheats, hack codes

Whenever a summoner has enough 5 flames, this character will release a powerful special skill immediately! Looks like we’re not strong enough. Follow me! I will show you hot to become stronger - use cheat codes or hack tools. Do you know about equip,ents and their advantage? First, let’s forge your weapon. I hear that they sell lots of useful stuffs in black market. Why don’t we go there? So many useful stuffs are sold here. I think you should visit here more often. Let’s buy premium summon scroll.
Summoners Era wiki
Now we have enough resource to summon a new unit. Let’s go back to summon circle! Incredible, it’s a 5-star hero! The higher star character has, the more powerful they are. Let’s equip your new unit with the weapon you forged before. Don’t forget to put new soldier into your team. I think you should place new hero in back line to increase ATK of this unit. Claim your idle rewards now. Your team keeps fighting in this area to gain more resources over time. remember that idle reward can only stack up to 8 hours.

how to enter hack cheats engine Summoners Era (gift code, coupon).

Code number Cheat Hack title
1 zx67IG upgrade
2 qI1HRC stat point
3 3BvHy0 coupon
4 r0TvfM promo code
5 ODjCwn gift box
6 bkeWW7 gold coins
7 jaxyUb month card
8 k0Jq8d premium pack
9 YNiygZ legendary gear
10 7Ambdc vip ticket
11 PInQmG gear pack

Summoners Era gift codes, hack, note.

Tip, android gameplay secrets: Gameplay steps, Key Features:
Summoners Era tips
Hack cheats tutorial Summoners Era (wiki):
SkO5bb - supply box
qjTNVV - treasure chest
qSohR2 - hyper attack
Nw7hGd - vip status
Uip80z - star tokens
Hack uXrJup - artifacts
Cheat 37rTK4 - evade
9zUoZx - elite ticket
JwkBic - exchange cheat code

how and where enter

Author: Solarios
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US