Use tournament tickets, place in tournaments, and hope to become the winner of the Grand prize.
JYii7qXEm0GRxTz - summoner's set AMERICAN DAD! APOCALYPSE SOON code: when taking damage, has a 31% chance of reducing the enemy's energy armor by 35%.
vZojMEmu3MqVbgD - summoner's scepter: once in a while, restores 2179 an ally's health.
RkuzPcSj218Cs8P - tickets
ct7SHqeDFgAYqeK - food
6Qbzs6ulPG6X09q - tentacle of truth (rare artifact): summons a minion with a healing ability to the battlefield. Heals 473 per second. Lasts for 12 sec.
JPsOdp7gGdlNd0W - increase the banker class level to 100.
YVuP6dEljrS3VYM - increase the fighter class level to 100
mWe1iuEj2vPlRE4 - new rooms and upgrades AMERICAN DAD! APOCALYPSE SOON cheat
AILYRyFKTy9RPm1 - bigger battle squads
17bmrQnlfZnXMoY - new equipment types
HxAFvJuOvGixft1 - roher indentity sets
Any9Lf8fc8YcDu9 - unique equipment and house background
Identity workshop - learn to craft identity equipment sets with ultimate abilities and unique skins.
Weapon and armor add-ons - make your units even stronger, find fitting add-ons for armor and weapons. Create a perfect combat squad.
Increasing the number of units - upgrade Roger's place to increase the number of clones in your squad during battles.
Maximum upgrade:
1. 1OMNjhmBeporz3Q - stairs AMERICAN DAD! APOCALYPSE SOON hack
2. kFGLfiDu84An4i1 - identity workshop
3. PNMABTsHZW5PZcx - r-coin databank
4. 4MfOK5L6MzQgNan - r-coin mining center
5. pkgKByn1oNXBfS0 - v-room
6. TldclNSYoKbDG6E - electricity generator
7. ke6Uqgm7udJjh3y - kitchen
8. OC9EJyzgnX5KmhB - mint
9. OgmMBX4sdUqn2qY - cloning room
10. t9XQBsGoy9vX5FF - sawmill
11. cng5g6i2w7HNi1a - wood storage
12. XkAhfHlI9skgeyJ - shop class
13. 3RvhUbPqhnUhsmh - training lab
14. qfMw2CouSeDbiKu - cook training room
cheat Step #2:
Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
15. 53kWUDcTv6VkY5X - banker training room
16. DJw4NnepIhHtukD - roger's place
17. PJ6tuVBwU4ZUlhu - energy storage
18. B64rZJXgcnoM5nk - food storage
19. 70wDP7qZ9OgIqip - smith bank
20. tQsmzCMvwqZU5PO - uranium mine
21. Zz0OG4ky7hAw0ZJ - uranium storage
22. 7Xf1lYUWQ4WTBPI - radiochemistry department
23. zolc25E3vhaI0aI - arsenal
24. 0UzVpj7JlqcbfE1 - ufo lab AMERICAN DAD! APOCALYPSE SOON code
25. SiBubdqfUorpR7l - ufo research facility
26. UWu1guAcLYj8yMZ - clan hall
27. 4Ef4lQ1Ad1IA7H2 - identity workshop
28. WUh8hAAe8WlVPSH - recruit a builder
The areas we cleared are being invaded again! Prepare the troops and make sure everyone pees before we leave this time.
code Step #3:
1. S3ci6UU77iJOuuh - gift at 1 May
2. C6HAS8DUthVYVoV - redeem pass at 2 May
3. ta0steqOzl9qGAk - 3 May
4. 3E7vgrGYUZgVMgu - 4 May
5. ZQxQcR3pzhnhuHJ - 5 May reward code
6. qZbL5TgOMNDo8Lk - 6 May 2022
7. YZiIZAlgQyg1CGA - 7 May
8. QTiP0jEy89mqHfe - 8 May
9. cavBu47rV9l6NuU - 9 May
10. i7PUZIKQHTmK8iz - 10 May
11. rqaIWaOCa4SNVXl - 11 May hack
12. 70wh5JVczf98Bxh - 12 May
13. pUQc9Zi618nq8BZ - 13 May ticket
14. zcnOSlHA14X1gnJ - 14 May
15. r2I1ZucTt8DEbVP - 15 May
16. X6H4K26idcGuR0i - 16 May promo
17. oU88enmIgGoxXgY - 17 may
18. jUCuprTnv444Soa - 18 may
19. 5L848dwLIH4ynOf - 19 May 2022
20. 7HIIppubdwWezum - 20 May cheat
21. bsA0C8y8fHsDbWi - 21 May
22. AjXahpl0NiMdn0N - 22 May
23. 6GEnzAktGnXCaxY - 23 May
24. JEYHQ7xBixye2ad - 24 May voucher
25. kzWI8hap4Nme0C5 - 25 May
26. wKKoEVpS9mctxCt - 26 May
28. Z81vhO0wCrPXzhj - 28 May 2022
29. zrRfznXipPoSBBk - 29 May redeem
30. bc4MF6HJPgvQCbh - 30 May gift
31. E0AdL4tzUG3Ks2J - 31 May box