Animal restaurant about mementos, redem codes
Animal restaurant about mementos
  • Animal restaurant - about mementos.

    1. Where is the memento feature? On the restaurant screen, tap the book-shapped icon at the top to view the memento feature.

    2. How do i get mementos? Mementos require you to serve specific customers after meeting their unlock requirements; serve them the certain number of times to get the memento. Serve more customers in the game.

    3. What are mementos used for? Unlocked mementos are collectables, and some mementos can even be used to dress up your staff and decorate the restaurant. They'll also grant a guaranteed number of staff.

    4. Why hasn't my game been updated? That's because the game needs to be tested and reach a stable state before it can be completely updated. Stay tuned for update announcements on the game's social media platforms.

    5. How use hack Animal restaurant cheat codes

    6. Where do i claim gift redemption codes? Redemption code events might take place during holidays or special events. You can redeem redemption codes for cod and other items. We recommend following the game hacks, where Chef Gumi will occasionally post about events.
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