Angel saga abnormal status: stun, burn, poison,freeze
Angel saga abnormal status
  • Angel saga abnormal status: bleed, poison, freeze, frostbite

    1. Abnormal status: when attacked with certain skills or weapons, monsters will enter a special state for short time. This is called an abnormal status. In agel saga, there are several different types. Each type of abnormal status causes different effects.

    2. Bleed: when HP is 50% or above, deals damage equal to 1% of current HP every second. When HP is below 50%, deals damage equal to 0,1% of current HP every second. Reduces ATK SPD by 25%, reduces MOV SPD by 15%, duration 5 seconds.

    3. Poison: reduces max HP by 5% every 3 seconds. Duration 15 seconds. Freeze: reduces MOV SPD by 20%. Duration 5 seconds.

    4. How use hack Angel saga cheat codes

    5. Frostbite: occurs when the special skill blizzard stacks freeze 3 times. Reduces MOV SPD by 70%. Duration 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

    6. Burn: deals damage equivalent to 10% of an attack that caused burn every second. Duration: 5 seconds. Stun: the status that is impossible to move or attack. Duration: 2 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

    7. Weakness: increases damage received by 20%. Can be stacked up to 9 times, for maximum damage of 180%. Duration 3 seconds.
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