Call of Antia wiki: matchmaking, reset progress, transfer gems
Call of Antia matchmaking
  • Call of Antia matchmaking alliance war wiki.

    What are the matchmaking rules for the Alliance War?
    1. The matchmaking is decided by Trophies from each Alliance.

    2. Alliances ranked Bronze and Silver will firstly be matched against opponents in the same Continent. If no opponents are found, Alliances will be matched with opponents from other Continents.

    3. Alliances ranked Gold and Diamond will firstly be matched against opponents in the same World. If no opponents are found, Alliances will be matched with opponents from other Worlds.

    4. Alliances ranked Legend will be matched with opponents Globally.

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    How do the Battlefields in Alliance War work? And what are the differences between them?
    1. After the Registration Phase ends, Alliances will enter the Preparation Phase, during which every member can assign a position for their defense team, the area of this position is what we call a Battlefield.

    2. Each Battlefield has a different Battlefield Effect. There are 5 effects in total: Reward for Courage, Rune Shield, Affinity to Nature, Call of the Wild, and Kaleidoscope. Each effect grants the defensive team a buff while debuffing the offensive team. Take your time to choose a Battlefield that benefits your team the most.

    Note: You can check the detailed rules of each Battlefield Effect on the Battlefield page.

    Call of Antia reset my progress.

    I want to reset my progress Dragoneer, please note that there is no true benefit in resetting your progress as the city is intended to grow with you.
    Please note that it is not possible to build any ""wrong"" buildings in the game. You will end up getting all buildings as the game progresses.
    In theory, you can reset your progress by deleting and then re-installing the game. However, if you have connected your account to Google Play or Game Center, your previous progress will be automatically recovered.

    Call of Antia Can I transfer gems?

    Can I transfer gems, heroes or weapons between accounts?Firstly, although it is not forbidden to have multiple accounts, we don't recommend it as we cannot offer official support for multiple accounts, since the game is designed to be played with only one account per person.
    Also, we cannot transfer in-game content such as gems, heroes or weapons between your accounts since this would be unfair to other players.
    Our team really appreciate your understanding.
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