ALICE Fiction wiki: Exchange & delivery
ALICE Fiction Exchange
  • ALICE Fiction Delivery.

    Item Delivery
    By delivering items to your Team, you can receive items to help out your Team.

    Depending on the item you deliver, you can receive Team EXP, Team Pts, Contribution Pts, and Team Medals.

    Delivery List
    You can deliver up to 4 items on the delivery list in a day. This list is reset every day at 1:00 PM.

    Item Delivery
    To do this:
    1. Tap "Team" on the left side of the Home Screen.
    2. Tap "Deliver Items".
    3. Tap the item you would like to deliver and tap "Deliver".
    4. Tap "OK". You will receive rewards for delivering.

    You can use ALICE Fiction hack

    What is the Exchange (wiki)?
    By going to "Exchange" on the left side of the Home Screen, you can exchange for various items.

    Types of Exchanges: The different types of Exchanges are as follows:

    - General Exchange: Tap "General" to exchange Credits for items.

    - Underground Exchange: Tap "Underground" to exchange Underground Medals for items.

    - Battle Arena Exchange: Tap "Battle Arena" to exchange Arena Medals for items.

    - Team Exchange: Tap "Team" to exchange Team Medals for items.

    - Anima Exchange: Tap "Anima" to exchange Anima Medals for Anima.

    - ALICE Member Pass Exchange: Tap "Member Pass" to use Member Medals

    For details about each Exchange, please check under "Exchange" > "Types of Exchange" in the Help section.

    ALICE Fiction General Exchange wiki:

    You can use Credits to exchange for various items.

    Number of Exchanges
    You can exchange for items in the lineup once.
    Once the lineup is updated, you can exchange for those items again.

    Lineup Update
    The lineup will update 4 times a day: 8:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM.
    If you wish to update the lineup without waiting, you can use Credits to update the lineup right away.
    *The required amount of Credits will differ depending on how many times you update the lineup.

    How to Exchange
    To do this:
    1. Tap "Exchange" on the left side of the Home Screen.
    2. Tap "General".
    3. Tap the item you wish to exchange for.
    4. Tap "OK". You will receive items for Credits.
    *By utilizing the checkboxes, you can exchange for multiple items at once.

    ALICE Fiction Underground Exchange wiki

    Once you receive Underground Medals, you can use them to exchange for various items and some Anima.

    Number of Exchanges
    You can exchange for items in the lineup once.
    Once the lineup is updated, you can exchange for those items again.

    Lineup Update
    The lineup will update every day at 1:00 PM.
    If you wish to update the lineup without waiting, you can use Underground Medals to update the lineup right away.
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HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!

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