Gundam breaker mobile Event Boosts
  • Gundam breaker mobile Event Boosts wiki.

    When Gunplas equipped with certain parts sortie for event missions or the Battle Circuit, you will receive boost effects that will make it easier to proceed through that event.
    *Boost effects from parts equipped to Relief Gunplas will not be applied.As boost parts and boost effects change depending on the event, please check Notices or the Build screen’s Event Boost filter and Event Boost Part List for more information.
    ■Level BonusesWithin the Battle Circuit, whenever a boost part’s part trait or Ex Skill level increases by 1, it will receive a Level Bonus that increases boost effects.

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    Event Boost Filter wiki
    A filter that prioritizes owned parts which have boost effects for a currently held event.Allows for the comparison of parts’ boost rates.

    Event Boost Part List
    Displays a list of the parts which have boost effects for a currently held event.To check it from the Build screen, select Event Boost filter and tap the magnifying glass symbol in the upper right corner.
    Can also be checked from the Mission screen, Capsule screen, and each Shop screen

    Boost-Prioritized Auto BuildWhen you use the Build screen’s Auto Build with the Custom tab’s Event condition set, a Gunpla centered around parts that have the optimal boost effects for the currently held event will be built automatically

    Gundam breaker mobile Gunpla Battle wiki:

    Sortie Steps 1
    The following are the basic steps to flying a battle sortie.
    (Note: Some instances like tutorial missions do not follow this sequence.)

    1. Select a mission.
    2. Form a Squad.
    3. Choose your Relief unit(s).
    4. One final check, then sortie!

    ■Selecting Missions
    Select a mission to sortie into.

    (1) Difficulty: Displays the mission difficulty (Note: Not displayed in some missions.)
    (2) EN Consumed: Displays the EN needed to sortie.
    (3) Approx. CPWR: The average Gunpla CPWR needed to win the battle.
    (4) Sortie Conditions: Conditions required to sortie.
    (5) Mission Challenges: Challenges where you have to eliminate targets or complete a mission within a time limit.
    Attribute and Job License requirements are determined based on the Gunpla you have set as self upon Sortieing.
    Armor requirements are determined based on the value on the Gunpla you have set as self upon Mission clear.
    Requirements for the number of times guard or skills are used are determined based on the actions taken by the Gunpla you have set as self.

    ■Forming Squads
    Select a Squad to sortie with.

    (1) Main Enemy Info
    (2) Enemy Intel and Dropped Item Info Toggle
    (3) Form Squad Selection Screen
  • how and where enter
    Author: Solarka
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories:GAMES CHEATS