A function that lets you play a randomly selected Creative Mission from the Play screen. You can select Random, High Clear Rate, or Low Clear Rate to influence the results. If you play three or more Random Pick missions every day, you can receive a Random Pick Play Bonus as a reward.
*Password-protected missions are not eligible for Random Pick.
Official Creative Missions Irregularly posted official creative missions. Attempt these official missions with unique rules and aim for a high score. ■Score Ranking In official creative missions, players earn a score based on their evaluation for each mission and compete for the highest final score.
■Rewards By participating in official creative missions, players can receive various rewards depending on their final placement in the rankings.
*Rewards will be distributed starting the day after the mission ends.
Gundam breaker mobile Custom-Made Missions wiki:
Missions created according to a specified order in Mission Creation are called Custom-Made Missions. You can obtain Creation Pts by creating and clearing Custom-Made Missions, and receive rewards in Achievements based on your total earned Creation Pts during the event period.■Receiving Orders Check the details of a placed order from the Receive Orders button on Mission Creation’s My Page screen.
Obtain Creation Pts by creating and sharing missions that match the specified order from the Receive Orders screen.*Creating/clearing Custom-Made Missions outside of the order availability period will not grant Creation Pts. *Regular Creative Missions will not grant Creation Pts.
Gundam breaker mobile Base Creation Pts wiki
Base Creation Pts are calculated based on the details of each Custom-Made Mission. Base Creation Pts = Total Combat Power of all enemies / 1000 x (1 + Total Event Pts boost value of all enemies / 1000)
The higher the Combat Power of the set enemies, the more Base Creation Pts received. When enemies have event Pts boost parts equipped, the amount of Base Creation Pts received will further increase.
*If one boost part is equipped to multiple enemies, that boost value will not be counted multiple times.