hack Dragon Chronicles cheats bug codes
android Dragon Chronicles
  • Cheats, hack Dragon Chronicles: gold coins, vip status, shard, blitz scroll, soul stone, dragon orb, diamonds, unlimited keys. Hacked game Dragon Chronicles bug codes android, ios. (New York, Unated state)

    Hacked Dragon Chronicles android, ios

    List of letter secret codes in the cheat game:
    hack vip status - cBOQ2n ;
    unlimited keys — vzs7Xr ;
    gold coins — dfMYox ;
    diamond — BBV4Bg ;
    dragon orb — 35nRQW ;
    soul stone — zWlznF ;
    blitz scroll — BVju8l ;
    shard — fPkXix .

    Dragon Chronicles android, ios hack codes

    He and I were born out of darkness and light. “mutually giving live, birthing us” I was assigned by the goddess as the guard of the light and dark world Shultain. That place was built by the goddess; it has lots of castles. Her Castle of soul stone shards must a great place. I wonder why she built so many castles... The meaning behind building all of these castles is beyond our comprehension. Until that day came... Magos was a group who worshipped the demon God. In a crazy state of consciousness, they weakened the seal which kept the demon God bound in the realm of chaos. The weakened state of the seal allowed the demon God to escape. It escaped successfully into the world.

    HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    Welcome game Dragon Chronicles! The world was then plunged into chaos by the demon god's power. The many castles which the goddess built were still eclipsed by the power of the demon God. “In order to fight against the enemy,” heroes were called to the guard castle the “city of light”. The 12 most powerful heroes known as the zodiac began to gight against the demon god. The fight waged on for many days. We seemed to be successful at resealing the Demon god. But at the second when the seal enchantment was cast forth, the demon god started once again to resist.

    Secrets cheat gameplay Dragon Chronicles android codes: to prevent another invasion of the dragon, we will have to speed up the construction process and upgrade the heroes. By following the quests, you may get to know about the world rapidly and level up fast. There are main quests, daily quests and weekly quests in the quest list. By completing the main quests, you can get generous rewards. Daily quests are reset every day, please remember to get them done before they are reset. Clearing the stage in 60 seconds grants 3 stras, and 2 stars in 90 s. Each killed hero costs 1 star. You only have one chance to summon your friends into battle for each adventure; use it wisely so that you can win the battle.

    how to enter hack cheats Dragon Chronicles.

  • how and where enter
    Author: Solarka
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories:GAMES CHEATS